Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

  • Eric Fleury was a member of the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Information and Decision in Social Networks scientific committee, MIT.

  • Eric Fleury was a member of the CFIP program committee.

  • Eric Fleury was co chair of the Social networks, from structures to politics workshop.

  • Eric Fleury was a member of the 20th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2011) program committee.

  • Eric Fleury was a topic chair for Euro-Par 2011

  • Eric Fleury was an invited speaker at the research summer school "école Intelligence Ambiante " (Lille, France).

  • Eric Fleury was an invited speaker at the "Journées thématiques Rescom Réseaux de Capteurs et leurs applications.

  • Eric Fleury has participated in the event All connected, an investigation on new numerical usages , co production with CCSTI Grenoble – La Casemate / Universcience – Cité des sciences et de l'industrie. The exhibition is an action of the NANOYOU project (FP7/2007-2013)

  • Guillaume Chelius was an invited speaker at the at the IN'Tech Seminar on smart objects (Grenoble, France).

  • Guillaume Chelius was an invited speaker at the at the "modèles et algorithms" seminar at INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt (Paris, France).

  • Guillaume Chelius was an invited speaker at the at the "Conf'Lunch "seminar at INRIA Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique (Rennes, France).

  • Guillaume Chelius has participated with the HiKoB startup to the "Rencontres INRIA Industrie" on healthcare @ home (Paris, France)

  • Guillaume Chelius has participated with the HiKoB startup to the "Grenoble Innovation Fair" 2011 (Grenoble, France)

Leadership within scientific community

  • Christophe Crespelle was member of the Ph.D. jury of Assia Hamzaoui (LIP6, Université Paris 6, France).

  • Christophe Crespelle was member of the Ph.D. jury of Xiaomin Wang (LIP6, Université Paris 6, France).

  • Eric Fleury was member was member the HDR jury of Anthony Busson (Université Paris Sud, France).

  • Eric Fleury was member was member the HDR jury of Nathalie Mitton (Université de Lille – INRIA Nord Europe, France).

  • Eric Fleury was member was member the Ph.D. jury and reviewer of the Ph.D. of Lamia Benamara (LIP6, UPMC, France).

  • Eric Fleury was member was member the Ph.D. jury and reviewer of the Ph.D. of Thomas Aynaud (LIP6, UPMC, France).

  • Eric Fleury was member was member the Ph.D. jury and reviewer of the Ph.D. of Dorian Mazauric (Université de Nice – INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France).

  • Eric Fleury was member was member the Ph.D. jury and reviewer of the Ph.D. of Oussama Allali (LIP6, UPMC, France).

  • Eric Fleury was Vice President of the expert committee for the ANR INFRA call

  • Eric Fleury is a member of the national PES board for the computer science section.

  • Eric Fleury is Co-chair of the Networking group ResCom of the CNRS GDR ASR. He is also a member of the scientific committee of the GDR ASR.

  • Eric Fleury is in the in the steering committee of the IXXI – Rhône Alpes Complex Systems Institute .

  • Eric Fleury has been an expert for the Fund for Scientific Research - FNRS.

  • Guillaume Chelius is a member of the IXXI – Complex Systems Institute scientific board.